Posts archive for Jul 2023

Are there any dangers in eating an undercooked turkey burger?
Are there any dangers in eating an undercooked turkey burger?

Dexter Beaumont, Jul, 29 2023

Hey folks, let's chat about the risky business that is undercooked turkey burgers! Now, don't get me wrong, I love a good burger as much as the next guy, but when it comes to poultry, you gotta cook it right. Munching on an undercooked turkey burger can invite unwanted guests to the party, like Salmonella and Campylobacter—nasty bacteria that love to tango with your tummy. These pesky party crashers can cause food poisoning, which is about as fun as stepping on a Lego barefoot. So, keep it sizzlin' and ensure your turkey burger is thoroughly cooked to keep your belly happy and healthy!


What side dishes go well with turkey?
What side dishes go well with turkey?

Dexter Beaumont, Jul, 22 2023

In my quest to find the perfect side dishes for turkey, I've come across a few undeniable favorites. A classic choice is always stuffing, rich with flavors of sage and onion. Then, we can't forget about the sweet and tangy cranberry sauce that adds a nice contrast to the savory turkey. A creamy green bean casserole or some roasted Brussels sprouts can add a delightful veggie element to your plate. Lastly, mashed potatoes and gravy are a must-have, providing comfort and a lovely accompaniment to the turkey.


What is a must-have food at Thanksgiving?
What is a must-have food at Thanksgiving?

Dexter Beaumont, Jul, 18 2023

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, there's one dish that's a true must-have, and that is the traditional turkey. This centerpiece of the feast is beloved by many and has been a staple of Thanksgiving meals for centuries. Accompanied by stuffing, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce, the turkey forms a hearty, savory delight that is integral to the holiday spirit. For dessert, a slice of pumpkin pie is another must-have, rounding off the feast with the sweet, spiced flavors of fall. In essence, Thanksgiving wouldn't be complete without these iconic dishes.


What can I make with ground chicken besides meatballs?
What can I make with ground chicken besides meatballs?

Dexter Beaumont, Jul, 11 2023

Searching for new ways to use ground chicken? You're not alone! Many people often associate ground chicken with meatballs, but there's so much more to explore. From delicious chicken burgers and hearty chicken lasagna to healthy chicken lettuce wraps and comforting chicken chili, the options are endless. So, next time you find yourself with some ground chicken, think outside the meatball!
